CEA Saclay

Expert biologist : Xavier Millot
The multidisciplinary centre that is the Saclay CEA has approximately 5,000 researchers. Many of them help to optimise the operations, the competitiveness and the safety of nuclear power stations and provide concrete solutions to nuclear waste management. Other teams, physicists and biologists seek to uncover the mysteries of matter (from particles to galaxies) and life (genetics, biochemistry, medicine).
The Saclay LBM conducts biological, toxicological and radiotoxicological monitoring on behalf of CEA employees, as well as for staff from subsidiaries and sub-contractors working onsite. Monitoring is conducted on a routine basis and in the event of a suspected case of contamination. This laboratory is equipped with whole-body counting facilities (whole body, thyroid and lung), alpha and gamma spectrometers, ICP/MS and beta counters. The research laboratory works on the presence of actinides, fission and activation products, beta emitters used in medical research laboratories and radiopharmaceutical products used in scintigraphy.
The laboratory is certified by the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) regarding the monitoring of worker exposure to ionizing radiation.