
Expert biologist : GĂ©raldine Lecoix
The Medical Laboratory is responsible for carrying out medical, toxicology and radiotoxicology examinations to ensure that personnel working for various nuclear operators on the Marcoule, Tricastin Pierrelatte, AREVA FRAMATOME ANP Romans and AREVA COMURHEX MALVESI sites are physically apt for their work and, in particular, to ensure that all staff exposed to an internal contamination risk due to radionuclides are monitored. The Marcoule site includes semi-industrial R&D CEA facilities, AREVA facilities that are currently being decommissioned, industrial radiation reactors and a fast breeder reactor, a MOX fuel production plant, a facility for recycling non-contaminated iron, facilities for producing in vitro radio-immunological measurement kits as well as fundamental life science research facilities.
The Laboratory boasts fully automated medical laboratories, radiochemical laboratories, physical measurement laboratories and a whole body counting laboratory.
It monitors a population of 15,000 people. 20,000 medical analyses and 45,000 radiotoxicological analyses are carried out each year.