ORANO La Hague

Expert biologist : Philippe CORREZE
The La Hague site specialises in the reprocessing of irradiated fuel from civil reactors of French (EDF) and foreign customers (Japan, Switzerland, Hand Australia) and recycling by MOX fuel.
The La Hague Laboratory is responsible for the biological and radiotoxicological monitoring of ORANO staff as well as service provider and sub-contractor staff working at the La Hague site. It carries out both systematic monitoring and monitoring following suspicion of a contamination incident.
Almost 6500 people are monitored in the Laboratory each year and nearly 45,000 examination requests are recorded. The Laboratory's extensive range of analytical techniques - alpha spectrometry for alpha and beta samples, liquid scintillation counters, whole body gamma spectrometry and X gamma lung spectrometry - ensure that fast, high-quality internal dosimetric evaluations are available throughout the day.